Budget, Accounts & Assets
1.budget 2013-14,2014-15and 2015-16:-Download541KB
2.budget 2016-17,2017-18:-Download186KB
3.budget 2018-19:-Download92KB
Annual Accounts:
1.Annual Accounts 2020-21:-Download3.11MB
2.Annual Accounts 2019-20:-Download1.61MB
3.Annual Accounts 2018-19:-Download4.55MB
4.Annual Accounts 2017-18:-Download3.63MB
5.Annual Accounts 2016-17:-Download3.20MB
6.Annual Accounts 2015-16:-Download13.7MB
7.Annual Accounts 2014-15:-Download1.22MB
8.Annual Accounts 2013-14:-Download15.5MB
Revenue Earned:
1.Revenue Earned 2016-17 ,&& 2017-18:-Download179KB
2.Revenue Earned2013-14 , 2014-15 && 2015-16:-Download8KB
Unspent Balances:
1.Unspent Balances 2016-17&2017-18:-Download14KB
Saving in Bank:
1.Saving in Bank 2013-14:-Download1.91MB
Annual Reports:-:Click here
Assets of the Council:
1.Assets of the Council 2017-18:-Download30KB
2.Assets of the Council 2016-17:-Download30KB
3.Assets of the Council 2015-16:-Download1.57KB
4.Assets of the Council 2014-15:-Download1.83MB
5.Assets of the Council 2013-14:-Download156KB
6.Assets of the Council 2012-13:-Download1.70MB